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Mrs. Renata Mangrum To All Instructors

[email protected] 

My fascination with nutrition started when I was twelve, when my mother brought home a book describing the relationship between vitamins and health. That initial interest led to a continuing exploration into the many influences and factors impacting healthy decisions: time, budgets, food access, and culinary resourcefulness. Most of my adult life has been spent in Metropolitan DC, having arrived in the U.S. as a college student after being raised in Australia and my home country of Brazil. My college sweetheart, Stan, and I started homeschooling over fifteen years ago and have been tremendously blessed and sanctified by it. My favorite place away from home is in the garden and in the company of friends and family. 

Current Classes
Cooking and Nutrition - 24/25 – (closed)
Food Science - 24/25 – (closed)